739 Nanoscale Structure in Polymers

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 3:15 PM - 5:45 PM
Golden Gate 2 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
We invite papers that describe recent developments in synthesis, characterization and processing of nanostructured polymeric materials. Experimental papers describing the resulting nanoscale structure and how it translates to attractive and useful properties are especially welcome. Nanostructured polymers could include multi-layered materials, polymer blends, block copolymers, or liquid-crystalline polymers. ***Note to faculty candidates: please include a note to the session chair during submission to alert them to your status*** +++Note: this session will be sorted jointly with Inhomogeneous Polymers. Authors may submit to either session.+++


Sangwoo Lee
Email: lees27@rpi.edu

Thomas H. Epps III
Email: thepps@udel.edu

3:15 PM
(739a) Tuning Physical Properties of Block Copolymers Containing Fatty Acid-Derived Long-Chain Polyacrylates (Invited Talk)
Megan L. Robertson, Shu Wang, Sameer Vajjala Kesava, Renxuan Xie, Enrique D. Gomez and Eric W. Cochran

3:45 PM
(739b) Enhanced Yield Strength in Polyethylene-Glassy Block Copolymers
William D. Mulhearn and Richard A. Register

4:00 PM
(739c) Structure Direction Via Sequence Control in Block Copolymers
Katherine P. Barteau, Ulrich Wiesner and Lara A. Estroff

4:30 PM
(739e) Photoswitchable Nanomaterials Via Ordered Self-Assembly of Monodisperse Oligodimethylsiloxanes
R. Helen Zha, Bas de Waal, Ronald Gosens, José Berrocal and E.W. Meijer

5:15 PM
(739h) Biosensor Coatings from Protein-Polymer Complex Coacervates
Allie Obermeyer, Romeo Flores, Hursh Sureka and Bradley D. Olsen

5:30 PM
(739i) Microscopic Structures in Ion Exchange Fuel Cell Membranes
Jie Lu, Shifan Mao, Andrew J. Spakowitz, Curtis W. Frank and Michael Toney
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division