187 Getting Your Research Published (Invited Talks)
187 Getting Your Research Published (Invited Talks)
Monday, November 14, 2016: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Union Square 19 & 20 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Graduate students, young faculty and post-docs:
Join a panel of distinguished journal editors for a discussion of what they look for when selecting material for publication, both in broad-based and specialty titles. Some of what you will learn: What is the best format for your results: research article or rapid communication? What file formats are preferred? When should you use supplementary material? How do you effectively work with co-authors? What are the ethical guidelines for authors, reviewers and editors?
Speakers: Michael Harold, Editor, AIChE Journal, and M.D. Anderson Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston; Michael Domach, Editor, Biotechnology Progress, and Professor of Chemical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University; Samir Mitragotri, Editor, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine and Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Martin Abraham, Martin Abraham, Editor, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, and Professor of Chemical Engineering and Founding Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at Youngstown State University.
Publication Committee
Young Professionals Committee (YPC) (18C)
2:00 PM
Panelist: Michael Harold, Editor, AIChE Journal
2:10 PM
Panelist: Martin Abraham, Editor, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
2:20 PM
Panelist: Michael Domach, Editor, Biotechnology Progress
2:30 PM
Panelist: Samir Mitragotri, Editor, Bioengineering & Translational Medicine
2:40 PM
Panel Discussion
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