477006 Rapid End-Block Pullout in ABA Triblock Polymer Gels

Monday, November 14, 2016
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Andrew Peters, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN and Timothy P. Lodge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

The end-block pullout time of the ABA triblock polymer poly[styrene-b-(ethylene-alt-propylene)-b-styrene] (SEPS) has been studied via rheology. Gels of SEPS in squalane of varying concentrations were produced via a cosolvent method and then rheometry was performed at various temperatures. Master curves were produced by time-temperature superposition, and longest relaxation times were extracted. These relaxation times were then compared with the results of previous time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering (TR-SANS) experiments that focused on chain exchange kinetics in SEPS/squalane micelles. It was found that the relaxation time of the gels (associated with the end-block pullout time) was up to four orders of magnitude smaller than would be expected based on the TR-SANS experiments of equivalent diblock polymers. A model is proposed that accurately reproduces the triblock TR-SANS results by incorporating two additional factors: 1) a reduction in the energy barrier to end-block pullout due to the triblock architecture, and 2) a bias towards shorter chain lengths in the relaxation of the gels. The first factor was quantified by a recalculation of the energy barrier to end-block extraction using the gel relaxation time. The second was accounted for by the creation of an effective chain length distribution that assumes the shorter of two end-blocks will pull out before the longer block. These two effects are then incorporated into a model that accurately reproduces the triblock TR-SANS results and consistently explains the unexpectedly rapid pullout in ABA triblock rheology and TR-SANS experiments.

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