474720 Efficiency and Reliability of a Coal Fired Power Plant in the Age of Increased Renewable Power Supply

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 1:40 PM
Van Ness (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Angelos Kokkinos1, Robert K Smith1 and Regis Conrad2, (1)U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, (2)Office of Fossil Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Germantown, MD

Renewable energy contribution to the generation of electric power continues to increase while the overall contribution of coal fired generation is steadily decreasing. The daily and hourly fluctuations of renewable energy adds increased pressure on the coal fired units to produce electricity reliably and efficiently. It has been shown that during load transient conditions both plant efficiency and equipment material life decrease. Coal fired units operating in a stand-by condition can see up to a 10% reduction in their efficiency (i.e., an equivalent increase in CO2 emissions). Equipment reliability could be impacted by increased cycling due to fatigue failures and other phenomena such as exfoliation in certain metals. The discussion will review areas where additional Research & Development may be needed to improve the reliability and efficiency of these plants during transient and partial load conditions.

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