472951 It's Not Stealing If It's Free: Practical Process Instrumentation, Data Analysis, and Control with Open Source Hardware and Software
472951 It's Not Stealing If It's Free: Practical Process Instrumentation, Data Analysis, and Control with Open Source Hardware and Software
Monday, November 14, 2016: 5:28 PM
Continental 2 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Data acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and visualization skills aren't just for "data scientists"—all chemical engineers benefit from a strong practical foundation in data. Unfortunately, many undergraduates have a hard time connecting the abstract concepts from their computer science course requirements back to the core chemical engineering curriculum. I'll present a hands-on project-based course concept that reinforces chemical engineering fundamentals while emphasizing the incredible utility of computational tools in the practical context of PHYSICAL COMPUTING—coding motivated by the task of working with sensors and actuators and the challenge of gleaning insights from the messy world of real data.
See more of this Session: Steal This Project!: Case Studies, in-Class Projects, Design Projects
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division