472857 Organocatalyzed Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Driven By Visible Light

Sunday, November 13, 2016: 4:45 PM
Continental 1 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Charles B. Musgrave1, Chern-Hooi Lim2, Jordan Theriot3, Garret Miyake3, Harshen Yang3 and Matthew Ryan3, (1)Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, (2)Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, (3)Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO

The development of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) is among the most significant technological advancements of polymer science. However, contamination of the polymer by the metal catalyst remains a major limitation. Organic ATRP photocatalysts have been sought to address this difficult challenge, but have not achieved the precision performance of metal catalysts. Here, we introduce diphenyl dihydrophenazines, identified through computationally directed discovery, as a new class of strongly reducing photocatalysts. These metal-free catalysts achieve high initiator efficiencies to synthesize polymers with tunable molecular weights and extremely low dispersities, using visible light, including sunlight.

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See more of this Session: Polymer Reaction Engineering
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division