471564 Supramolecular Structural Forces Influence Drainage and Stratification Kinetics in Stratifying Foam Films

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 12:45 PM
Union Square 25 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Subinuer Yilixiati, Yiran Zhang, Rabees Rafiq, Ewelina Wojcik and Vivek Sharma, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Understanding and controlling the drainage kinetics of thin films is an important problem that underlies the stability, lifetime and rheology of foams and emulsions. Foam films containing micelles, colloidal particles or polyelectrolyte-surfactant mixtures exhibit step-wise thinning or stratification, due to the influence of non-DLVO forces, including supramolecular oscillatory structural forces. In this study, we use experiments and theory to investigate the drainage and stratification in vertical and horizontal thin foam films (< 100 nm) formed by aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solutions. Stratifying thin films exhibit a mosaic pattern in reflected white light microscopy, attributed to the coexistence of domains with various thicknesses, separated by steps. Using Interferometry Digital Imaging Optical Microscopy (IDIOM) protocols developed in the course of this study, we spatially resolve for the first time, the landscape of stratifying freely standing thin films. Further, we determine how the concentration of surfactants and added salt influences the stepwise thinning process for micellar solutions, and how step size can be used for estimating micelle size and interactions. The concentration-dependent aggregation number extracted from our experiments match-up reasonably well with values obtained by other techniques including scattering and fluorescence. Finally, we describe how the interplay between interfacial hydrodynamics and supramolecular structural forces leads to the observed stratification and drainage kinetics and discuss the specific effects of adding salt and increasing surfactant concentration.

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See more of this Session: Emulsions and Foams I
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals