470326 Commodity Chemicals from Biomass: Catalytic Conversion of Biomass into α,ω-Diols

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 2:00 PM
Imperial B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
George W. Huber, Jiayue He, Pranav U. Karanjkar, Siddarth H. Krishna, Kevin J. Barnett, Zachary Brentzel, Samuel P. Burt, Kefeng Huang, Ive Hermans, William F. Banholzer, Christos T. Maravelias and James A. Dumesic, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

In this presentation we describe a multi-step catalytic approach for conversion of cellulose into 1,6-hexanediol and hemicellulose into 1,5 pentanediol. These α,ω-diols are high-volume (130,000 tons/year), high value ($4,600/ton) commodity chemicals used in the polymer industry. Cellulose is first converted levoglucosan which is then dehydrated into levoglucosenone (LGO) in the condensed phase with dilute acid (5-20 mM acid concentration) using a polar, aprotic solvent. The product selectivity is a function of the water concentration, the solvent type and the cellulose loading. Increasing the water content leads to the production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The LGO is then hydrogenated into dihydrolevoglucosenone, levoglucosanol, and tetrahydropyran-2-methanol (THPM). The THPM then undergoes selective C-O-C hydrogenolysis to produce 1,6-hexanediol using a bifunctional (reducible metal with an oxophilic promoter) catalyst with > 90% selectivity to 1,6 hexanediol. The hemicellulose is converted into furfural which then undergoes a series of three reactions to produce 1,5 pentanediol.

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See more of this Session: Award Session in Honor of Prof. Jim Dumesic II
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division