469703 Deterministic Lateral Displacement of Semiflexible Chain Dynamics in Microfluidic Pillar Arrays
469703 Deterministic Lateral Displacement of Semiflexible Chain Dynamics in Microfluidic Pillar Arrays
Monday, November 14, 2016: 2:30 PM
Powell I (Parc 55 San Francisco)
Deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) is a high resolution size-based separation technique showing great potential for particle separation, especially for biological particle sorting. Over the past decade, rigid spherical particle separation using DLD method has been widely explored to facilitate the design of new DLD devices, while particles with different shapes and deformability have not been fully studied. Here, we investigate the migration dynamics of semi-flexible chains with high aspect ratio in gravity-driven DLD devices. Specifically, DNA linked semi-flexible colloidal chains serve as model high aspect ratio deformable particles and transport through a microfluidic pillar array device induced by a gravitational body force. Chain trajectories are presented using both experiments and simulation results. Similar to rigid spherical particles in the pillar arrays, zigzag and laterally displaced trajectories are observed for the longer and more flexible chains. In addition, the high aspect ratio and deformable nature of the chains lead to a richer local dynamical behavior, including bouncing, hairpin shape bending, sliding and hooking. We discuss how the deformability and size of chains affect their migration trajectories through microfluidic posts.
See more of this Session: Microfluidic and Microscale Flows
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals