469528 Adhesion Characterization of Energetic Microparticles to Functionalized Surfaces
469528 Adhesion Characterization of Energetic Microparticles to Functionalized Surfaces
Monday, November 14, 2016: 9:15 AM
Union Square 23 & 24 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
The improved elucidation of energetics adhesion behavior will improve munitions formulation and the performance of collection materials (e.g., swabs or traps) used to detect trace explosive residue. Resolving the role that surface chemistry plays in the adhesion of energetic materials is a critical step towards the rational design of these materials. In particular, the use of specific chemical functional groups at the interface allows for the modulation of the adhesion force. This will directly impact the performance and reliability of munitions and collection materials. In order to evaluate the effects of specific functional groups on adhesion, atomic force microscopy pull-off force measurements were performed using energetic (and non-energetic) particles against self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). SAMs on gold were selected to evaluate surface chemistries due to their reproducibility and facile production. These SAMs were characterized using contact angle measurements, cyclic voltammetry, and ellipsometry. A suite of surface chemistries are analyzed in order to develop a database of the influence the functional groups have on adhesion of energetic (and non-energetic) materials. Furthermore, these results will facilitate the rational design of energetic particle collection materials and munitions through chemical-tailoring in order to enhance performance.
See more of this Session: Fundamentals of Interfacial Phenomena I
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals