469305 Comparative Study Between Dissociation Conditions of H2o + N2+ Undecane and H2o + CO2+ Undecane Mixtures in Hydrate Formation

Monday, November 14, 2016
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Raúl A. Santos-Serena1, Luis E Juárez-Vergara2, Pedro Esquivel-Mora2, Birzavit J. Escamilla-Martín2 and Luis A. Galicia-Luna2, (1)INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL-ESIQIE, MEXICO, Mexico, (2)INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL-ESIQIE, Mexico, Mexico

Gas hydrates are crystalline solid ice-like structures, formed by water and small gas molecules with low molecular weight, which is housed in the cavities formed by the hydrogen bonds at conditions of hydrate formation (high pressure, low temperature, small gas molecules and presence of water). The hydrates are typically stable at low temperatures and high pressures, such as the conditions found in deep waters. In México there are reservoirs with high content of water (20 % or more) like Cantarell where hydrate formation can be simple. In this work, the experimental dissociation conditions for the hydrate formed in the mixtures: H2O + C11H24 + CO2 and H2O + C11H24 + N2 were reported in the temperature range of (265.15-293.15) K and pressures up to 4 MPa for CO2 and 30 MPa for N2. The composition expressed as mass fraction of undecane was 0.05 and 0.10. The experimental equipment used in this work is based on the static-synthetic-isochoric method. The combined expanded uncertainties of the dissociation conditions measurements were evaluated to be less than 0.012 MPa, 0.020 K and 0.0020 for pressure, temperature and mass fraction, respectively.

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