469231 Effect of Liquid Hydrocarbons (C6, C8, and C10) in Experimental Dissociation Points of Hydrates Formed By H2o + CO2

Monday, November 14, 2016
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Birzavit J. Escamilla-Martín, Pedro Esquivel-Mora, Luis E Juárez-Vergara, Luis A. Galicia-Luna, Jose J. Castro-Arellano and Alfredo Pimentel-Rodas, INSTITUTO POLITECNICO NACIONAL-ESIQIE, Mexico, Mexico

In Mexico, oil production from mature oilfields has been an increase in produced water, for example oil wells of Cantarell. This problem results in the development of alternative processes of separation of water from oil. The formation of gas hydrates can be a very interesting alternative for it. Hydrates are ice-like crystalline solid formed through a combination of water and gas which is housed in the cavities formed by the hydrogen bonds at conditions of hydrate formation (high pressure, low temperature, small gas molecules and presence of water). However, a systematic study of the effect of compounds present in the oil (in this case alkanes) in the hydrate formation with CO2 must be conducted.

In this work, experimental dissociation conditions of H2O + C6H14 + CO2, H2O + C8H18 + CO2 and H2O + C10H22 + CO2 mixtures were reported at temperature range of (263.15-293.15) K and pressures up to 4.5 MPa. The composition expressed as mass fraction of alkane was 0.30. The combined expanded uncertainties of the dissociation conditions were estimated to be less than 0.012 MPa, 0.020 K and 0.0020 for pressure, temperature and mass fraction, respectively

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