465356 Nutritional Characterisation of Phyto-Biofilm Starch Based for Food Application
465356 Nutritional Characterisation of Phyto-Biofilm Starch Based for Food Application
Monday, November 14, 2016
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Phyto-biofilm offer a novel approach for consumer to improve nutrient intake from vegetables. If vegetables consumed more frequently and in a larger amount, they provide significant contribution of dietary nutrient especially in children. As consumer becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits of vegetables consumption, this research identifies an innovative way to increase the intake of important nutrients in order to prevent chronic disease and have a balance diet. In this study several formulation containing a mixture of starches incorporated with spinach dried extract (1%) were prepared by casting method. The phyto-biofilm obtained was test for microbial and nutritional content. The dietary biomarker components in spinach dried extract was analysed separately. Results from microbial test indicated that this phyto-biofilm is of a good quality ready to eat food. Lipid results was 305.8 ± 0.2 mg and protein contents was 550 ± 0.6 mg. Dietary contribution of biomarker components are as follow; α-Linolenic acid (14-21%), Vitamin E (6-8%) and Vitamin C (16%). In addition to nutritional characterisation, physical characteristic of the Phyto-biofilm is underway.
See more of this Session: Poster Session: Food and Bioprocess Engineering
See more of this Group/Topical: Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division