465184 Economic and Exergy Analysis of Integrated Purification Process with Carbon Capture Process (CCP) Using Selexol in a 500 MW Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Plant

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 2:00 PM
Powell (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Woo-Sung Lee1, Hyun-Taek Oh2 and Chang-Ha Lee1,2, (1)Graduate School of Integrated Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, The Republic of, (2)Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, The Republic of

The enormous CO2 emission from power plants raises the significant effects on global climate. In order to minimize greenhouse gas emissions from the utilization of fossils fuel, integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) with carbon capture process (CCP) takes a spotlight for high efficient and eco-friendly electricity generation. In this study, an integrated purification process with CCP for a 500MW IGCC power plant was simulated to evaluate energy efficiency and cost. First, only dual-stage Selexol processes with 80%, 85%, 90% and 95% carbon capture were preliminary simulated. According to preliminary results, energy consumption of Selexol process showed an optimum at more or less 90% carbon capture. Since each unit is integrated with the other units, the operating condition of one can affect the others. Then, as a second step, an integrated purification process with CCP simulation was carried out to evaluate energy analysis and cost estimation. It consists of contained water gas shift reactor (WGSR), dual-stage Selexol process, Claus process, scrubber unit, sour water stripper process, hydrogenation process, drying process, and compression. Finally, the exergy sankey diagram for whole integrated purification process with CCP, based on second law of thermodynamic, was performed to improve overall capture efficiency. Then, the development direction for reducing energy consumption was suggested from the exergy analysis.

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