462666 Mini-Labs That Scale! Activities, Demos, and Simulations for Heat Transfer Concepts
462666 Mini-Labs That Scale! Activities, Demos, and Simulations for Heat Transfer Concepts
Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 12:47 PM
Continental 3 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Inquiry-based activities are simple, inexpensive, relatively rapid experiments that have been demonstrated to repair student misconceptions in important areas such as heat transfer and thermodynamics. For large classes with laboratory sections, it's possible to run these experiments. However, for classes with limited lab time or physical resources, we have re-worked the experiments to be used as demonstrations, simulations, or thought experiments. We have also assessed the effectiveness of each of these modes using the Heat and Energy Concept Inventory (HECI). All modes of these experiments, along with data on how resource-intensive they are to implement and how effective they are, will be posted in the AIChE Concept Warehouse. In the talk, we will demonstrate some of these experiments and simulations live, as well as explain how to access the materials for free through the Concept Warehouse.
See more of this Session: Labs and Hands-on Activities at Scale (large classes)
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Education Division