462467 CO2 Capture from Power Plant Flue Gas By PolarisTM Membranes: Update on Field Demonstration Tests

Monday, November 14, 2016: 2:36 PM
Van Ness (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Jay Kniep1, Richard Baker1, Carlos Casillas1, Ken Chan2, Don Fulton1, Brice Freeman3, Pingjiao Hao4, Jurgen Kaschemekat5, Jennifer Ly5, Tim Merkel2, Vincent Nguyen2, Zhen Sun1, Xuezhen Wang1, Xiaotong Wei2 and Lloyd S. White6, (1)MTR, Newark, CA, (2)Membrane Technology and Research, Inc., Newark, CA, (3)Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA, (4)Membrane Technology and Research,Inc, Newark, CA, (5)Membrane Technology and Research, Inc., Menlo Park, CA, (6)39630 Eureka Drive, Membrane Technology & Research, Newark, CA

To mitigate the harmful effects of global climate change, CO2 in power plant flue gas must be captured and either sequestered or utilized in processes such as enhanced oil recovery. Membrane technology is an attractive CO2 capture option because of advantages such as energy-efficient passive operation, tolerance to acid gases and oxygen, no hazardous chemical emissions or handling issues, minimal water requirements, and no steam use requiring modifications to the existing boiler.

Working with the US Department of Energy, MTR has developed new membranes and process designs to recover CO2 from power plant flue gas. MTR Polaris membranes have CO2 permeances ten times higher than standard commercial membranes, which greatly reduces the cost of a membrane capture system. These membranes are combined with a novel process design that uses incoming combustion air to sweep membranes and recycle CO2 to the boiler. Design calculations estimate that this membrane process can capture 90% of the CO2 in flue gas as a supercritical fluid using approximately 25% of the plant power, at a cost of $40-$50/ton of CO2 captured. This translates to an increase in the levelized cost of electricity of about 50%.

In 2010, MTR completed a three-month field demonstration of the membrane CO2 capture process with Arizona Public Service (APS) at their Cholla coal-fired power plant. The pilot system used commercial-scale membrane modules, and removed 90% CO2 from a post-FGD flue gas slipstream containing 1 ton CO2/day. In late 2011, the system was moved to the National Carbon Capture Center (NCCC) operated by Southern Company in Wilsonville, AL, for further demonstration. Overall, the system has an accumulated run time of over 10,000 hours, and the membrane modules have exhibited stable performance. With experience learned from these tests, MTR has designed a scale-up small pilot unit to capture 20 ton CO2/day from a power plant slipstream (equivalent to 1 MWe-scale coal-fired power generation). The system was initially commissioned in August 2014 and testing concluded in June 2015. During testing, advanced modules demonstrating higher packing density, lower pressure drop, and cost savings were validated. In fall 2015, the 20 ton CO2/day small pilot unit was moved to Babcock & Wilcox’s (B&W) research facilities in Barberton, OH for a fully integrated recycle test of the small pilot unit with a 1.8 MWth coal-fired research boiler. The field demonstration to be conducted at B&W during the summer of 2016 will be the first time membrane operation with real flue gas and boiler operation with CO2-laden air have been conducted in a single test. Technical results to date for the field tests, details of an upcoming hybrid membrane-absorption field test at the SRP pilot plant located on the Pickle Research Campus at UT-Austin, and future plans on technical development will be discussed in this presentation.

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