461730 Adaptive, Point-to-Point Assembly of DNA Nanotubes Between Molecular Landmarks
461730 Adaptive, Point-to-Point Assembly of DNA Nanotubes Between Molecular Landmarks
Thursday, November 17, 2016: 12:30 PM
Golden Gate 6 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
In vivo, self-assembly processes often adapt what is assembled to the shape and arrangement of existing cellular nanostructures. This capacity for adaptation makes it possible to build integrated nanosystems consisting of multiple nanostructures elements that work together to perform complex functions. We demonstrate a synthetic self-assembly process in which a DNA nanotube self-assembles between molecular landmarks whose separation distance and orientation are unknown. Connections between DAE-E nanotubes occur when nanotubes grow from molecules at the start and destination locations that act as nanotube nuclei for growth from the two opposing nanotube ends. When the nanotubes grow long enough that their ends can contact one another, these ends can join to produce a stable connection. Time-lapse multicolor microscopy confirms that nanotubes connections generally form by the proposed process and follow the predictions of simple physical models. This process can occur under a variety of physical conditions and may make it possible to build wires between dynamic components through metalization of the nanotubes, or to build complex connected DNA architectures at the micron scale with novel mechanical properties.
See more of this Session: Nanostructured Biomimetic and Biohybrid Materials and Devices
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See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum