460969 Biomass Pyrolysis Interfaced with Honeycomb Structured Upgrading Reactor for the Production of High Quality Biofuels
460969 Biomass Pyrolysis Interfaced with Honeycomb Structured Upgrading Reactor for the Production of High Quality Biofuels
Monday, November 14, 2016: 2:00 PM
Franciscan B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
A reactor interfaced a pyrolysis zone with a doubly stacked honeycomb catalytic upgrading zone was designed and evaluated for biomass conversion to liquid fuels. The pyrolysis zone was operated through a bubbling bed with fine sand particles as the heat carrier. Two zeolite-coated cordierite honeycomb (ZCCH) catalyst matrices separately prepared using ZSM-5 of different Si/Al ratios were stacked in the upgrading zone. The results showed that ZCCH catalytic upgrading following the steam pyrolysis of corncob effectively reduced the oxygen content and viscosity of bio-oil. The yield, HHV and stability of the bio-oil were increased by the presence of a moderate amount of ethanol. The HHV of bio-oil was found to linearly correlate with the oxygen concentration in the oil. Models of bio-oil energy yield from corncob based on unit energy yield and yield in ethanol equivalent (YEE, in L ethanol) were developed according to the oxygen content in the produced bio-oils.
See more of this Session: Catalytic Processing of Fossil and Biorenewable Feedstocks II: Biomass-Derived Aromatics
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division