459912 Overview of CAST Activities and Programming

Monday, November 14, 2016: 8:00 AM
Monterey I (Hotel Nikko San Francisco)
Nick Sahinidis, Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA and Karl Schnelle, Dow AgroSciences LLC, Indianapolis, IN

An overview of activities of the Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) division, including conference technical programming, will be presented. The CAST Executive Committee consists of Ray Adomaitis (Past Chair), Karl Schnelle (Chair), Stratos Pistikopoulos (1st Vice-Chair), Carl Laird (2nd Vice-Chair), Martha A. Grover (Secretary-Treasurer), and the following Directors: Andreas Linninger (2014-2016), Leo Chiang (2014-2016), Michael Nikolaou (2015-2017), Mario Eden (2015-2017), Ruth Misener (2016-2018) and Dimitrios Papavassiliou (2016-2018). The CAST Division Programming Chair is Nick Sahinidis (2013-2016).

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