458505 Fabricating of High-Performance Functional Graphene Fibers for Micro-Capacitive Energy Storage

Thursday, November 17, 2016: 9:56 AM
Golden Gate 5 (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Tianju Fan1, Chunyan Zhao2, Zhuangqing Xiao2, Fangjun Guo1, Yidong Liu1, Hong Meng1 and Yong Min2, (1)School of Advanced Materials, Peking University, Shenzhen, China, (2)Institute of Advanced Materials, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China

Although graphene is a typical two dimentional material, it was converted to multi-dimentional stuff to enhance special properties. The one dimensional graphene fiber is an example. Here we fabricated graphene fibers by utilizing ionic liquid as coagulation and functional diamines as cross-linkers to connect graphene oxide layers. The fibers showed excellent mechanical properties. The tensile strength of the resulant fibers reaches ~729 MPa after annealing at 2800 °C. All-solid-state flexible micro-capacitors are fabricated as well with promising energy storage performance. The fibers show a specific volumetric capacity as high as ~225 F/ cm3 (measured at 103.5 mA cm-3 in a three-electrode cell), as well as a long cycle life of 2000 times. The initial results have confirmed that these fibers can be complement or even replacement of batteries in miniaturized portable electronics systems.

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See more of this Session: Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage I
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division