452326 Design and Operation of a 10 MWe Supercritical CO2 Recompression Brayton Power Cycle
In this presentation, the 10 MWe sCO2 recompression Brayton process model, assumptions, and design parameters will be described and the key results for the nominal steady-state operating point will be presented. The additional specifications and methods applied to provide increased model fidelity for generating the rigorous pressure-driven dynamic model will also be discussed, including the use of performance curves for the turbomachinery and flow-dependent pressure drop correlations, volume specifications, and heat capacity calculations for the heat exchangers. The dynamic model predicts time-dependent profiles of key outputs such as power generated and thermal efficiency as a function of compressor inlet temperature and pressure, turbine inlet temperature, bypass recompression fraction, and other key variables for the purpose of designing effective control strategies.
From the dynamic perspective, this presentation will highlight the transient responses of the sCO2 cycle to reductions in heat input, representing typical off-design and part-load scenarios arising from integration with a load-following energy plant. Based on the open-loop cycle results without controllers, several operational strategies will be analyzed for maximizing cycle efficiency by maintaining turbine inlet temperature during heat input turndown subject to process constraints.
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division