452030 Titanium Pillared MCM-36 As a Capture Platform for CO2 Capture Applications
452030 Titanium Pillared MCM-36 As a Capture Platform for CO2 Capture Applications
Thursday, November 17, 2016: 1:23 PM
Cyril Magnin II (Parc 55 San Francisco)
Rising global carbon dioxide levels have been heavily implicated in global climate change, requiring the capture and conversion/storage of this greenhouse gas. In order to achieve this result many groups have looked towards a variety of solid adsorbents, including metal oxide particles, metal organic frameworks, and zeolite structures. One of the most promising of these platforms are metal oxide sorbents, which show very high capacities but become deactivated upon regeneration, resulting in sorbents that cannot be used in a cyclic capture system. This has led many groups to begin investigating novel nanostructured metal oxides, including those containing magnesium, calcium, and titanium, for cyclic carbon capture. In this work we present work our group has recently performed on the use of a novel titanium-oxide pillared MCM-36 nanosheet sorbent for cyclic carbon dioxide capture. The material shows good regenerability, high capture capacity, and evidence of a chemisorption mechanism on this traditional physisorbent. These results suggest that the titanium pillared MCM sorbent can be a strong candidate for further study as a CO2 sorbent or catalyst, especially once functionalized with secondary organic or inorganic groups.
See more of this Session: CO2 Capture By Adsorption II: Adsorbents
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Separations Division