451450 Thermophysical  Properties of Ionic Liquids - Ilthermo Archival Database: 3. Engineering Applications

Tuesday, November 15, 2016: 5:21 PM
Yosemite B (Hilton San Francisco Union Square)
Andrei Kazakov, Joseph W. Magee, Robert Chirico, Vladimir Diky, Chris Muzny and Kenneth Kroenlein, Thermodynamics Research Center, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO

Critically evaluated experimental data are essential to carry out innovative chemical process design, or to improve material and energy efficiencies of existing chemical processes. Developed under the auspices of IUPAC (Project 2003-020-2-100), ILThermo (http://ilthermo.boulder.nist.gov/) is a data archive of experimental thermophysical properties (including 120 thermodynamic, transport and thermochemical properties) of ionic liquids and mixtures that contain them. Version 1.0 was announced at COIL-1 [1]. Detailed capabilities were described [2]. Recently, Version 2.0 [3] was released by NIST’s Thermodynamics Research Center. ILThermo is a web-based open-access database that provides data and metadata from published experimental studies of ionic liquids, including numerical values of thermophysical properties, chemical structures, measurement methods, sample purity, critically evaluated standard uncertainties of property values, as well as other significant measurement details. Version 2.0 is keyed on chemical structure of each chemical species that is curated, which brings inherent advantages to users of the database. Best practices are described for search and retrieval of thermophysical properties and phase behavior data from ILThermo for use in engineering applications.


[1] J. W. Magee, J. A. Widegren, M. Frenkel, Q. Dong, C. Muzny, R. D. Chirico and V. V. Diky "Comprehensive Data Retrieval System for Ionic Liquids," 1st International Congress on Ionic Liquids, Salzburg, Austria, June 19-22, 2005.

[2] Q. Dong, C. D. Muzny, A. Kazakov, V. Diky, J. W. Magee, J. A. Widegren, R. D. Chirico, K. N. Marsh, and M. Frenkel, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2007, 52, 1151-1159.

[3] A. Kazakov, J.W. Magee, R.D. Chirico, V. Diky, C.D. Muzny, K. Kroenlein and M. Frenkel "NIST Standard Reference Database 147: NIST Ionic Liquids Database - (ILThermo)", Version 2.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg MD, 20899, http://ilthermo.boulder.nist.gov .

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See more of this Session: Thermophysical Properties and Phase Behavior II
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals