436855 Sustainability Metrics for Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles

Thursday, November 12, 2015: 4:05 PM
255F (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Jennifer L. Anthony, Larry Erickson and John R. Schlup, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Sustainability metrics have value in life cycle analysis and the evaluation of alternatives.  One approach to expanding the infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) is to install solar powered charging stations with solar panels above parking spaces to generate electricity and provide shade for cars parked under the panels. Grid connected systems with charging stations enable electricity to flow into the grid or into the batteries of the EVs.  Social, environmental, and economic metrics are included in the analysis of benefits to society of an infrastructure of solar powered charge stations.  Social metrics include the social value of shade, convenience, and availability, and better air quality.  Environmental metrics  include greenhouse gas emissions, air quality, water use, and land requirements.  Economic metrics include capital costs, EV charging cost, and cost of transportation.  Several alternatives will be compared.

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See more of this Session: Sustainability Metrics at the Process and Product Level
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division