Monday, November 9, 2015
Exhibit Hall 1 (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Polymer electrolytes are promising materials for high energy density rechargeable batteries. Battery fade can be caused by structural evolution in the battery electrode and loss of electrode/electrolyte adhesion during cycling. Both of these effects are dependent on polymer mechanical properties. Furthermore, cycling rate is dictated by the ion mobility of the polymer electrolyte. Lithium ion mobility is expected to be strongly coupled to polymer dynamics. Therefore, we investigate polymer dynamics as a function of salt concentration using X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) and rheology. We report the direct comparison of structural relaxation time (XPCS) and stress relaxation time (rheology) of high molecular PS-b-PEO membranes as a function of salt concentration.
See more of this Session: Poster Session: Materials Engineering & Sciences (08A - Polymers)
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Materials Engineering and Sciences Division