428530 The Application of Reactive Dyes to Functionalize Fibers with MOFs, Quantum Dots, and Gold Nanoparticles

Sunday, November 8, 2015: 3:50 PM
255D (Salt Palace Convention Center)
Meagan Bunge1, K. Neil Ruckart1, Silas J. Leavesley1, Gregory W. Peterson2, Nien Nguyen1, Kevin N. West1 and T. Grant Glover1, (1)Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, (2)Research & Technology Directorate, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Reactive dyes conventionally used to chemically bind chromophores to fabrics have been used to develop a platform technology that can modify commercially available fibers with nanoscale structures.  The reactive dye method was used to attach Cu-BTC to both cotton and nylon.  The cotton and nylon Cu-BTC modified fabrics have surface areas of approximately 976 and 680 m2/g, respectively, X-ray diffraction patterns consistent with Cu-BTC, and FESEM images that show crystals decorating the fabric surfaces.  To demonstrate the ability of the fibers to perform separations, ethane and ethylene single component gas adsorption isotherms were measured for both nylon and cotton MOF modified fibers. Both of the MOF modified fibers show preferential adsorption of ethylene over ethane.  The MOF modified fabrics also have the ability to adsorb ammonia with the cotton sample adsorbing 2 mol/kg of ammonia from a 25 oC 50% relative humidity air stream.  The results are consistent with bulk powder Cu-BTC MOF showing that the attachment of the adsorbent to the fiber does not alter the properties of the adsorbent.  In addition to MOFs, quantum dots and gold nanoparticles have also been bound to cellulose and nylon.  The results illustrate how the reactive dye method provides a platform to modify fibers to perform separations.

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