Abstract Submission to Be Considered As an Oral Presentation at AIChE 2015 Annual Meeting in the Recalcitrance of Woody Biomass Session
Investigations into the Structural and Genetic Factors Behind the Biomass Recalcitrance of Douglas Fir.
Scott Geleynse, Xiao Zhang
Washington State University
Douglas Fir is a particularly challenging feedstock to utilize in the biochemical conversion to fuels and value-added chemicals due to its high levels of biomass recalcitrance. Earlier efforts have developed a foundation of data on the variation and genetics associated with this recalcitrance, along with a collection of tree samples screened for differing levels of recalcitrance. Despite their similar origin, some samples tested exhibited fermentable carbohydrate yields of over three times difference. In this presentation, we will discuss various investigations into the chemical and structural variations in several of these samples, along with a comparison of some genetic parameters to help shed light on the subtle differences that contribute to large variations in biomass recalcitrance of softwood biomass.
Presenting author:
Scott Geleynse
Bioproducts Sciences and Engineering Laboratory
School of Chemical Engineering
and Bioengineering, Washington State University
2710 Crimson Way, Richland, WA 99354
Contact: scott.geleynse@email.wsu.edu, x.zhang@wsu.edu
See more of this Group/Topical: 2015 International Congress on Energy