392737 Innovations in Forest Products Industry and the role of a Chemical Engineer
392737 Innovations in Forest Products Industry and the role of a Chemical Engineer
Sunday, November 16, 2014: 3:30 PM
M202 (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
Forest Product s Industry is a major industry in North America employing a large number of Chemical Engineers where they play important roles. One such important role is in the conception/development/implementation of New/Improved Products and Processes. The author will present a series of recent innovations (processes/products) and analyze/identify additional skill requirements for a chemical engineer and would conclude that a major need exits in proficiency in creativity and innovation tools to accelerate the process of innovation. The presenter will elaborate on the techniques of creative problem solving further emphasizing their importance in successfully taking advantage of major emerging growth opportunities for the industry.
See more of this Session: Plenary: Forest Biomass Technologies
See more of this Group/Topical: Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division - See also ICE
See more of this Group/Topical: Forest and Plant Bioproducts Division - See also ICE