392625 Vertical Solids Distribution in Agitated Vessels-Effect of Mixed Density and Particle Size Solids on Cloud Height-Initial Results

Monday, November 17, 2014: 2:12 PM
313 (Hilton Atlanta)
Arthur W. Etchells III1, Robert P. Hesketh2, Matthew DiMattesa3, Michele Marandola3, Marc Izquierdo3 and Matthew Eisenschmied3, (1)AWE3 Enterprises, Philadelphia, PA, (2)Chemical Engineering, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, (3)Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ

A simple measure of vertical solids distribution in agitated tanks is the cloud height, the demarcation between a lower solids rich height and a region almost clear of solids. A number of researchers have measured this height as a function of agitator speed and physical properties for uniform particle properties. In this study we look at the effect of a mixture of particles of different densities and particle sizes.  Initial results show that the individual cloud heights are surprisingly not adversely affected by blending two different solids. In fact in some cases the total cloud height increases on blending two solids.

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