392121 Dynamics of Protein and Peptide Interactions at the Aqueous/Liquid Crystal Interface
392121 Dynamics of Protein and Peptide Interactions at the Aqueous/Liquid Crystal Interface
Thursday, November 20, 2014: 4:45 PM
213 (Hilton Atlanta)
We describe the rational design of amphiphilic helical peptides with controllable charge separation and tunable surface activity, where the dynamics of surface activity are an outcome of helical folding. The fundamentals of peptide folding and adsorption are investigated using a liquid crystal system. The thermotropic liquid crystals serve as a model fluid (i.e. oil) for the optical examination of dynamic molecular events at the aqueous/oil interface. This setup allows for the label-free detection of adsorbates with high sensitivity without limiting the mobility of the interface. Previously, similar liquid crystal experiments have been used to examine surfactants, lipids, and DNA. Our studies examine the time-dependent behavior of our periodically sequenced peptides and compare them with two well-cited protein systems, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and Lysozyme. We show that the dynamics can be quantified by the cooperative tilting of the liquid crystal, where proteins and peptides display unique organizational behavior at the interface. Subsequently, the adsorption behavior can be coupled to the bulk folded state of the peptide using circular dichroism to show that the folded population can be controlled with changes in electrolyte concentration. Taken together, we present a method to investigate surface patterning and peptide partitioning using liquid crystals, where competitive adsorption of peptides and proteins can be used to define the thermodynamics and kinetics of adsorption.
See more of this Session: Dynamic Processes at Interfaces
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
See more of this Group/Topical: Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals