389423 Near-Infrared–Actuated Devices for Remotely Controlled Drug Delivery
389423 Near-Infrared–Actuated Devices for Remotely Controlled Drug Delivery
Thursday, November 20, 2014: 9:50 AM
International 6 (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
A reservoir that could be remotely triggered to release a drug would enable the patient or physician to achieve on-demand, reproducible, repeated, and tunable dosing. Such a device would allow precise adjustment of dosage to desired effect, with a consequent minimization of toxicity, and could obviate repeated drug administrations or device implantations, enhancing patient compliance. It should exhibit low off-state leakage to minimize basal effects, and tunable on-state release profiles that could be adjusted from pulsatile to sustained in real time. Despite the clear clinical need for a device that meets these criteria, none has been reported to date to our knowledge. To address this deficiency, we developed an implantable reservoir capped by a nanocomposite membrane whose permeability was modulated by irradiation with a near-infrared laser. Irradiated devices could exhibit sustained on-state drug release for at least 3 h, and could reproducibly deliver short pulses over at least 10 cycles, with an on/off ratio of 30. Devices containing aspart, a fast-acting insulin analog, could achieve glycemic control after s.c. implantation in diabetic rats, with reproducible dosing controlled by the intensity and timing of irradiation over a 2-wk period. These devices can be loaded with a wide range of drug types, and therefore represent a platform technology that might be used to address a wide variety of clinical indications.
See more of this Session: Bionanotechnology for Gene and Drug Delivery I
See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum
See more of this Group/Topical: Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum