386090 Extending the Scope of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Techniques to Black-Box Systems
386090 Extending the Scope of Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Techniques to Black-Box Systems
Monday, November 17, 2014: 1:45 PM
401 - 402 (Hilton Atlanta)
First introduced in process systems engineering by Ignacio Grossmann in the late 70s, algebraic MINLP approaches are now a mainstream approach for many problems in process synthesis and process operations. In order to extend the scope and applicability of MINLP to simulation-based and experiment-based optimization, we have developed methodology to solve the following key problems:
- Converting data and simulations to surrogate models that are accurate and as simple as possible
- Exploitation of theoretical understanding in the building of empirical models
- Discovery of highly nonlinear relationships that are hidden in data
This talk will discuss the above methodologies and their computational implementation in our ALAMO software.
See more of this Session: In Honor of Ignacio Grossmann's 65th Birthday I
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division