383550 Imparting Ionic Liquid Character to Commodity Chemicals
383550 Imparting Ionic Liquid Character to Commodity Chemicals
Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 5:15 PM
International 1 (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
We have observed that certain bulky salts that are commonly used to synthesize ionic liquids are also highly soluble in a number of polar organic solvents. Thus, ionic liquid character can be easily imparted to commodity chemicals in a straightforward manner. Such mixtures provide a tunable alternative reaction media/solvent, and we have observed that this approach can have significant influence on the properties and yield of the desired product. Furthemore, a mixing approach can streamline/simplify the production of ionic liquids themselves and eliminate separation/purification steps. In this presentation, we will detail thermophysical properties of these polar organic + salt mixtures and discuss the improvements they provide with respect to chemical reactions and separations.
See more of this Session: Novel Catalytic and Separation Process Based on Ionic Liquids
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical Conference: Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical Conference: Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment