379606 Molybdenum Doped Titanium Oxide As a Novel Support for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction Reaction

Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 2:25 PM
International 4 (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
Bing Joe Hwang1, Trung-Thanh Nguyen2, Mon-Che Tsai2, Chun-Jern Pan2 and Wei-Nien Su3, (1)Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, (2)Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei City, Taiwan, (3)Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan

The search for catalysts with high activity and longer-term stability for ORR in PEMFC is ongoing. In this research, various amounts of molybdenum were doped into anatase TiO2 and analysed. The electronic conductivity of Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy was significantly improved by doping molybdenum into anatase-TiO2 structure and hydrogen reduction at 300 oC. Later, Pt(111) nanoparticles were reduced and anchored on the thermally treated Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy nanosupports (d- Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy). The effects of doping and induced oxygen vacancies were investigated both theoretically and experimentally. Rotating disk electrode (RDE) measurements showed that 20 wt% Pt/d- Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy catalyst had 1.5 times and ~9.1 times higher Pt mass activity for ORR than those of 10 wt% Pt/d-Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy and commercial Pt/C catalysts, respectively. The observed high activity of metal oxide supported-Pt catalyst could be attributed to the role of the advanced oxide support with electron donation from support to Pt catalyst surface, oxygen vacancies on nanosupport surface and high conductivity. Pt nano-electrocatalysts on the advanced robust non-carbon d-Ti0.9Mo0.1Oy nanosupports also exhibits improved stability against Pt sintering under a potential cycling regime (3000 cycles from 0.4 V to 1.0 V vs. RHE) due to Strong Metal-Support Interaction (SMSI). Moreover, the role of oxygen vacancies on oxide surface in enhancing of ORR activity was also elucidated by the computational approach.

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