379037 Discrete Element Method Simulations for Complex Granular Flows
379037 Discrete Element Method Simulations for Complex Granular Flows
Tuesday, November 18, 2014: 3:53 PM
211 (Hilton Atlanta)
This presentation will focus on the modeling of complex granular flows employing the discrete element method (DEM) approach. The specific topic to be discussed is the application of DEM models for the study of the flow behavior of nonspherical, flexible, or cohesive particles, including particle breakage. The major sources of particle cohesion---liquid induced, electrostatics, van der Waals forces---and their implementation into DEM simulations will be reviewed. These aspects of particle flow are of great importance in numerous practical applications and hence are the key foci of research at the forefront of current DEM modeling efforts. For example, such DEM simulations can provide particle stress information needed to develop constitutive models for continuum-based simulations of large-scale industrial processes
See more of this Session: Special Session: Festschrift for Professor Dimitri Gidaspow's 80th Birthday & Career Long Accomplishments II
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum