376988 Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Via Sonication-Free Exfoliation of Graphite Oxide
376988 Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Via Sonication-Free Exfoliation of Graphite Oxide
Thursday, November 20, 2014: 2:30 PM
305 (Hilton Atlanta)
Graphene oxide (GO) has attracted significant attention as catalysts or catalyst supports. Synthesis of GO is typically conducted by exfoliation of graphite oxide. Although efficient and high-yield exfoliation of graphite oxide can be achieved using sonication, the use of sonication causes complexity in the synthesis, which may limit the feasibility of large-scale manufacturing of GO. Furthermore, sonication fragments graphite oxide layers into relatively smaller sheet size. Thus, if the goal is to minimize fragmentation of nanosheets and prepare relatively large GO, a milder exfoliation is required. We have reported a scalable simple synthesis of GO via sonication-free exfoliation of graphite oxide. The method consists of repetitive cycles of rapid freezing of a solution containing graphite oxide and subsequent thawing of the resultant solid, which can efficiently exfoliate graphite oxide with approximately 80% GO yield. In this presentation, we will report the progress of the work and the application of the prepared GO to the synthesis of supported metal catalysts.
See more of this Session: Science and Engineering of Catalyst Preparation II
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division