374116 Permeation and Separation Behaviors of Simulated Flue Gases on Polymer and Inorganic Membranes at Lab Scale Equipments

Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Galleria Exhibit Hall (Hilton Atlanta)
Jong-Ho Moon1, Gyoung Tae Jin1 and Jeong-gu Yeo2, (1)Greenhouse Gas Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, South Korea, (2)Korea Institute of Energy Research, Daejeon, South Korea

In order to apply membranes to the real CCS processes, permeation and separation characteristics of each membrane should be evaluated with appropriate working conditions and rigorous regulations. 0.2 Nm3/hr and 1.0 Nm3/hr scale test equipments and 0.2 Nm3/hr multi stage modules were built at KIER combustion-gas processing complex laboratory building. Those test equipments can control temperature, pressure, flow rate, steam amount, gas composition, stage cut, and also real flue gas from 10MWth scale CFB(circulating fluidized bed) boiler can be supplied. In this study, hollow fiber type and tubular type membranes were used for establishing standardization of membrane processes for CCS and certificating membrane performance such as permeance, selectivity, chemical-physical resistance and long term operability.

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