367 Ionic Liquids: Thermodynamics and Properties III

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 3:15 PM
Powell AB (Hilton)
Ionic liquids (ILs) have been widely applied in chemical engineering related areas. The thermodynamics and properties are the basis for the applications of ionic liquids. This session include (but not limited): (a) Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria; (b) Physicochemical and Transport Properties; (c) Electrochemical Properties; (d) Biochemical Properties and Toxicology Properties; (e) Quantum Computation and Molecular Simulation.

Innovations of Green Process Engineering for Sustainable Energy and Environment
Thermodynamics and Transport Properties (01a), Systems and Process Design (10A)

Suojiang Zhang
Email: sjzhang@home.ipe.ac.cn

Email: wei.liu@pnl.gov

3:15 PM
(367a) Phase Behavior of Gases in Ionic Liquids
Mark B. Shiflett and Akimichi Yokozeki

3:35 PM
(367b) The Viscosity of Ether-Functionalized Ionic Liquids
Zhengjian Chen, Tong Xue and Jong-Min Lee

3:55 PM

4:15 PM
(367d) Time-Dependent Diffusion and Chemical Exchange in Mixtures of An Amine-Functionalized Ionic Liquid and Carbon Dioxide By NMR
Eric Hazelbaker, Han Wang, Samir Budhathoki, Jindal K. Shah, Edward J. Maginn and Sergey Vasenkov

5:15 PM
(367g) The Effects of Water Concentration On the Properties of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids
Amir Abolhasani Niazi, Andrew Crothers, Brooks D. Rabideau and Ahmed E. Ismail