670 Developments in Biobased Alternative Fuels II

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 12:30 PM
Mason A (Hilton)
Papers are sought describing recent developments in the area of biobased alternative fuels. Topics may include but are not necessarily limited to the production of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass, algae and other renewable, biobased feedstocks, and include both biochemical and thermochemical conversion pathways. Significant interest is focused on renewable hydrocarbon fuels as well as cellulosic ethanol, bio-derived methane, and other renewable fuels and blendstocks. Advances pertaining to feedstock fractionation, catalytic processes, and product purification technologies including efficiency of unit operations and cost reduction for “balance of plant” operations are also of interest as they relate to performance of integrated biorefineries.

Sustainable Biorefineries
BioFuels (T4F)

Brian Duff
Email: pinnaclebiotech@att.net

Marcus Rajchel
Email: Marcus.Rajchel@clarke-rajchel.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:30 PM
(670a) Hydrothermal Liquefaction of E. Coli, P. Putida, S. Cerevisiae, and B. Subtilis: Effect of Biomass Selection, Growth Media, and Reaction Conditions
Peter J. Valdez, Michael C. Nelson, Julia L. Faeth, Henry Y. Wang, Xiaoxia Nina Lin and Phillip E. Savage

1:20 PM
File available
2:10 PM
(670e) Development of a Biomass Liquefaction Process for Stabilized Refinery Ready Bio-Oils
Santosh Gangwal, Kevin McCabe, Andrew Campos and Demps Pettway

2:35 PM
(670f) Advanced Biofuels Development Through Catalytic Biomass Pyrolysis
John R. Carpenter, Matthew Von Holle, Jonathan Peters, Atish Kataria and David C. Dayton
See more of this Group/Topical: Sustainable Engineering Forum