487 Fuel Processing for Hydrogen Production III

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 12:30 PM
Union Square 12 (Hilton)
Large amounts of hydrogen are produced commercially by steam reforming of natural gas or by gasification of various carbonaceous fuels. Improvements to these commercial processes are desirable for providing hydrogen for fuel-cell systems. This session will focus on: catalytic reforming (partial oxidation, and steam, dry, and autothermal reforming) of various fuels; novel non-catalytic reforming technologies; hydrogen production from coal and renewable sources; reactor design for fuel processors; the water-gas shift reaction; preferential oxidation; the methanation reaction; fuel cleanup (desulfurization); systems analysis; technology integration for fuel processors; technology applications; and related topics.

Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division (20), Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G), BioFuels (T4F)

Dushyant Shekhawat
Email: dushyant.shekhawat@netl.doe.gov

Gunther Kolb
Email: Kolb@imm-mainz.de

David Berry
Email: david.berry@netl.doe.gov

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

12:55 PM
(487b) Effect Of Oxygen Addition To The Feed Of A 5 Kwel Microstructured WATER-GAS Shift Reactors
Jochen Schuerer, Steffen Keller, Athanassios Ziogas, Richard Thiele and Gunther Kolb
File available
1:13 PM
(487c) Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Catalysts for Ambient Pressure and Ultra-Low Temperature Water-Gas-Shift Reaction
Sebastian Werner, Peter Wasserscheid, Marco Haumann, Normen Szesni and Melanie Kaiser

1:49 PM
(487e) Final Step for CO Syngas Clean-Up: Comparison Between CO-PROX and CO-SMET Processes
Muhammad A. Ashraf, Giuliana Ercolino, Nicoḷ S. Vasile, Stefania Specchia and Vito Specchia

2:07 PM
(487f) Planar and Modular Microstructured Reactor With Integrated Palladium Membrane for On-Site Production of Pure Hydrogen
Tim Boeltken, Seungcheol Lee, Peter Pfeifer, Thijs Peters, Rune Bredesen and Roland Dittmeyer