761 Science and Engineering of Catalyst Preparation II

Thursday, November 7, 2013: 3:15 PM
Yosemite B (Hilton)
Let's prepare some catalyst - rationally! To help "transform the art of catalyst preparation into a science," papers are solicited which get at the fundamental, molecular-scale phenomena occurring in the synthesis of heterogeneous catalytic materials, and the exploitation of that knowledge to achieve rational control of catalytic structures. Experimental and theoretical work on model and high surface area systems is welcome.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Arpad Somogyvari
Email: Arpad.Somogyvari@cummins.com

Jinlong Gong
Email: jlgong@tju.edu.cn

3:15 PM
(761a) Nanocavity Oxide Supports and Catalysts
Christian P. Canlas, Zhenyu Bo and Justin M. Notestein

3:35 PM

3:55 PM
(761c) A Rational Design of Different Synthesis Routes to Increase the Efficiency of Nanocrystalline Titania-Based Photocatalysts
Benoit Heinrichs, Celine Bodson, Ludivine Tasseroul, Charline Malengreaux, Xavier Cattoen, Makhlouf Amoura, Carlos Paez, Stephanie Lambert, Michel Wong Chi Man, John Bartlett, Sigrid Douven and Geraldine Leonard

4:15 PM
(761d) Supported Rhodium Catalysts With Controlled Nuclearity
J. D. Kistler, Dicle Yardimci, Pedro Serna and Bruce C. Gates

4:35 PM
(761e) Passivation Agents to Preserve Mo2C and W2C Catalyst Activity
Ali Mehdad, Rolf E. Jentoft and Friederike C. Jentoft

4:55 PM
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division