47 Catalysis With Microporous and Mesoporous Materials II

Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:30 AM
Yosemite C (Hilton)
This session focuses on catalysis over a wide array of porous materials. Papers on the synthesis and structural and mechanistic characterization of inorganic/organic molecular sieve materials useful as catalysts for petrochemical synthesis and environmental remediation are invited.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Yuriy Roman
Email: yroman@mit.edu

Jason C. Hicks
Email: jhicks3@nd.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:30 AM
(47a) Ultra-Selective Cycloaddition of Dimethylfuran for Renewable p-Xylene
Chun-Chih Chang, Sara K. Green, C. Luke Williams, Paul Dauenhauer and Wei Fan

8:50 AM
(47b) Elucidating the Roles of An H-BEA Zeolite in Aqueous-Phase Fructose Dehydration
Jacob S. Kruger, Marta Leon-Garcia, Vladimiros Nikolakis and Dionisios G. Vlachos
File available
9:10 AM
(47c) Sylilated Hydrophobic Zeolites With Enhanced Tolerance to Hot Liquid Water
Paula Zapata, Yi Huang, Miguel Gonzalez Borja, Lu Zhang and Daniel E. Resasco
File available
9:30 AM
(47d) Zr-Incorporated Mesoporous Silicates, Zr-KIT-6, As Lewis Acid Catalysts
Jason Bates, Qing Pan, Anand Ramanathan and Bala Subramaniam

9:50 AM
(47e) Catalytic Carbonylation With Rh
Sara Yacob, Sunyoung Park and Justin M. Notestein
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division