545 Fundamentals of Surface Reactivity II

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 3:15 PM
Yosemite C (Hilton)
The session is focused on intrinsic kinetics and reaction pathways on surfaces with studies on surface science, modeling and catalytic reactions. Specific topics include: adsorption of reactants; identification of transition states; electronic structure and geometry of catalytic surfaces; and development of experimental and theoretical methods.

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
Low Pressure (01G)

Su Ha
Email: suha@wsu.edu

Eranda Nikolla
Email: erandan@wayne.edu

3:15 PM
(545a) Effects of Self-Compression On Metal Clusters
Lin Li, Ask Larsen, Nichols A. Romero, Frank Abild-Pedersen, Jeffrey P. Greeley and Jens K. Nørskov

3:35 PM
(545b) Adsorption of Heterobifunctional 4-Nitrophenol On the Ge(100) Surface
Bonggeun Shong, Thomas R. Hellstern and Stacey F. Bent

4:15 PM
(545d) High-Throughput Characterization of Composition, Structure and Reactivity of PdxCu1-X Alloys
Gamze Gumuslu, Petro Kondratyuk, Chunrong Yin, James B. Miller and Andrew J. Gellman

4:35 PM
(545e) Inhibiting Role of Dimer Surface Species in the Dehydration of Alcohols Over γ-Alumina
Joseph F. DeWilde, Minje Kang, Hsu Chiang, Christopher R. Ho, Daniel A. Hickman and Aditya Bhan

4:55 PM
(545f) Nanosize-Induced Resonant Photocatalysis On Metal Clusters
Matthew Kale, Talin Avanesian and Phillip Christopher
See more of this Group/Topical: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division