45 Carbon Dioxide Capture From Power Generation

Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:30 AM
Union Square 12 (Hilton)
Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration are key components of all realistic climate change mitigation strategies. Fossil fuel based power generation produces large amounts of carbon dioxide at fixed locations and in relatively concentrated form. Capture of carbon dioxide from these sources is a logical first step in the process of reducing overall carbon release. The session will explore capture of carbon dioxide from conventional power generation sources as well as advance gasification systems.

Advanced Fossil Energy Utilization
Fossil Fuels & CCS (T4G)

David Luebke
Email: David.Luebke@netl.doe.gov

David J. Heldebrant
Email: david.heldebrant@pnnl.gov

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

8:55 AM
(45b) Polyethyleneimine-Functionalized Polyamide-Imide Hollow Fiber Sorbents for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
Fuyue Stephanie Li, Wulin Qiu, Ryan P. Lively, Jong Suk Lee, Ali A. Rownaghi and William J. Koros

9:13 AM
(45c) Surface Functionalization Of Mesoporous Sorbents For Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
Jiajun He, John To, Christopher T. Lyons, Reza Haghpanah, Erik C. Rupp, Zhenan Bao, Daniel Stack and Jennifer Wilcox

9:49 AM
(45e) Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Using PAI Polymer/Silica/PEI Hollow Fiber Sorbents
Ying Labreche, Yanfang Fan, Fateme Rezaei, Ryan P. Lively, Christopher W. Jones and William J. Koros

10:25 AM
(45g) A Low Cost, High Capacity Regenerable Sorbent for Post Combustion CO2 Capture
Ambalavanan Jayaraman, Gökhan Alptekin, Steve Dietz, Robert Copeland and Ashok Rao