232 AIChE-IChemE Joint Session: Energy, Water, Food, Materials: An Interconnected Global Challenge

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 8:30 AM
Continental 9 (Hilton)
The expectation is that there will be 3 billion additional middle class consumers by 2030 with increasing demand for energy, water, food, and materials. During the 20th century, these were resources addressed individually. These are now complex socio-technical systems that are interconnected. How these complex systems are addressed will shape future organizations, markets and nation/states. The chemical engineering profession approach to integrated systems analysis and the need for the technology voice to enable evidenced based policy requires our professional societies to be a more vocal stakeholder in addressing how we will value the ‘commons’. As two of the largest organizations of chemical engineers in the world, AIChE and IChemE are creating a collaborative working group to respond to this challenge. This session will be held in a workshop format to include messages from representatives from both societies on the challenges, exchanging views on priorities, and exploring options for how we engage beyond our traditional boundaries.

International Activities Committee

Desmond King
Email: DFKI@chevron.com

Dale Keairns
Email: keairns_dale@bah.com

See more of this Group/Topical: Liaison Functions