539 Environmental Applications of Adsorption III: Liquid Phase

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 3:15 PM
Union Square 22 (Hilton)
This session seeks papers that describe environmental applications of liquid-phase adsorption systems. This could include papers on fundamental studies, development and characterization of environmentally benefical adsorbent materials, and testing or demonstration of adsorption systems.

Adsorption and Ion Exchange (02E)

Nick Hutson
Email: hutson.nick@epa.gov

Hai Du
Email: Hai_Du@Praxair.com

3:35 PM

4:00 PM
(539c) Removal of Arsenic in Water With An Adsorbent Derived From Waste Concrete Sludge
Takeshi Sasaki, Masayuki Watanabe, Teruhisa Hongo, Atsushi Iizuka and Akihiro Yamasaki

4:20 PM
(539d) Effect of Organic Anion On Selective Adsorption
Len Foong Koong, Koon Fung Lam, John Barford and Gordon Mckay

5:20 PM
(539g) Biosorption of Heavy Metals Using An Acid Activated Walnut Shell
Guillermo Andrade-Espinosa, Maria Selene Berber-Mendoza, Luis Armando Bernal-Jácome and Nahúm Andrés Medellín-Castillo
See more of this Group/Topical: Environmental Division