425 Fundamentals of Fluidization II

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:30 AM
Golden Gate 7 (Hilton)
The session will cover topics in all aspects of fluidization and fluid particle systems involving gas/solid, liquid/solid, and gas/liquid/solid phases. Papers presenting research related to experimental, analytical, and computational approaches in elucidating the mechanism of reactive and non-reactive fluid-particle interactions and their effects on the flow systems are invited.

Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems

Reza Mostofi
Email: Reza.Mostofi@uop.com

Jennifer McMillan
Email: mcmillan.jennifer@syncrude.com

8:30 AM
(425a) Numerical Modeling Of Particle Agglomeration By Dynamic Liquid Bridge
Hideya Nakamura, Satoru Watano, Hiroyuki Kan and Yuki Yamakmto

8:52 AM
(425b) Validation of Filtered Two-Fluid Models Using NETL-PSRI Bubbling Fluidized Bed Challenge Problem
Shailesh Ozarkar, Xiaokang Yan, Shuyan Wang, Chris Milioli, Fernando Milioli and Sankaran Sundaresan

9:14 AM
(425c) Entrainment Review – Review of Existing Correlations
Jia Wei Chew, Christine M. Hrenya and Ray Cocco

9:36 AM

9:58 AM
(425e) Understanding the Origin of Pressure Oscillations in Fluidized Beds
Christopher M. Boyce, Daniel J. Holland, Stuart A. Scott and John S. Dennis

10:20 AM
See more of this Group/Topical: Particle Technology Forum