447 Proteomics & Metabolomic Approaches to Systems Biology

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:30 AM
Golden Gate 1 (Hilton)
Proteomic and metabolomic technologies advance and complement systems biology by providing a more detailed understanding of cellular state. This session welcomes presentations that test new hypotheses using proteomics and/or metabolomics techniques, as well as those that develop new proteomics and/or metabolomics technqiues themselves.

Systems Biology
Bioengineering (15c)

Mark P. Styczynski
Email: Mark.Styczynski@chbe.gatech.edu

Deepak Nagrath
Email: deepak.nagrath@rice.edu

8:30 AM

8:48 AM
(447b) Cell Type-Specific Proteomic Profiling in Caenorhabditis Elegans
Kai P. Yuet, Meenakshi K. Doma, John T, Ngo, Paul W. Sternberg and David A. Tirrell

9:06 AM
(447c) Phospho-Proteomics Reveals Oncogenic Phospho-Tyrosine Signaling Networks in Cancers Lacking Mutated Or Amplified Tyrosine Kinases
Nicholas A. Graham, Justin M. Drake, Martik Tahmasian, Kenneth J. Pienta, Owen N. Witte and Thomas G. Graeber

10:00 AM
(447f) Temporal Metabolic Profiling of Plasma in Response to Endotoxemia in Humans
Kubra Kamisoglu, Kirsten Sleight, Steven E. Calvano, Siobhan A. Corbett and Ioannis P. Androulakis
See more of this Group/Topical: Topical Conference: Systems Biology