204 Poster Session: Systems and Process Operations

Monday, November 4, 2013: 3:15 PM
Grand Ballroom B (Hilton)
Poster submissions are invited highlighting recent advances in all areas of systems and process operations. Novel results and ideas are highly encouraged to be submitted. Outstanding presentations will be considered for area 10C awards.

Computers in Operations and Information Processing

Edward P. Gatzke
Email: gatzke@sc.edu

Shivakumar Kameswaran
Email: hivakumar.kameswaran@exxonmobil.com

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

(204f) Optimal Sensor Placement for Fault Diagnosis By Using Magnitude Ratio and Fault Propagation Time
M. R. Islam, Raghunathan Rengaswamy, Debangsu Bhattacharyya and Richard Turton

(204h) Recent Advances in the Application of Midae Systems
John D. Hedengren, Jose Mojica, Reza Asgharzadeh Shishavan and Seyed Mostafa Safdarnejad
File available
(204j) Optimization of the Supply Chain Associated to the Production of Bioethanol From Residues of Agave in Mexico
Pascual Eduardo Murillo-Alvarado, Agustin-Jaime Castro-Montoya, José María Ponce-Ortega, Medardo Serna-González and Mahmoud El-Halwagi

(204k) Optimal Planning for the Sustainable Management Municipal Solid Waste
José Ezequiel Santibañez-Aguilar, José María Ponce-Ortega, Janett Betzabe Gonzalez-Campos, Medardo Serna-González and Mahmoud El-Halwagi
File available
(204m) Mathematical Modeling for the Delayed Coking Unit Using Molecular Information
Cláudio N. Borges, Maria Anita Mendes and Rita M. B. Alves

(204n) Conceptual Design and Optimization of Petlyuk System Based On a Rigorous Method
Elsa H. Fernández-Martínez, Angel Castro-Agüero, Nelly Ramírez-Corona and José M. Ponce-Ortega

File available
(204q) On the Design of Robust Sensor Networks
Leandro Rodriguez, Marco Cedeño and Mabel Sanchez

(204s) Multi-Objective Optimization of a Bio-Based Supply Chain for Feeding Co-Combustion Power Plants
Mar Pérez-Fortes, José Miguel Laínez-Aguirre, Aaron D. Bojarski and Luis Puigjaner
File available
(204y) Optimizing a Chemical Process With Bayesian Network (a new approach to optimization)
Shahab Golshan, Farhang Jalali, Reza Zarghami, Ahad Mohammadi and Mahdieh Askarian

(204z) Lithium Bromide-Water Absorption Heat Pump System for Heating Up Air From Waste Heat
Kenji Marumo, Toshiyuki Aoyama, Nobusuke Kobayashi and Yoshinori Itaya
See more of this Group/Topical: Computing and Systems Technology Division