252 Ionic Fluxes At Interfaces, Electrohydrodynamics, and Electrospinning

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 8:30 AM
Continental 5 (Hilton)
This session welcomes new fundamental studies and applications on polarization, atomization, and ionic flux via electrokinetics. Specifically, we invite presentations on experimental, theoretical, and computational studies involving but not limited to ion flux across interface and electrohydrodynamic effects. Example phenomena include catalytic "Janus" nanomotors, electrophoresis of ion-selective particles and biological ion channels in membranes are welcomes. Processes involve assembly, conjugations, and reactions with micro/nanofluidics, like electrostatic microencapsulation, electrospraying, and electrospinning, are all well aligned with the session scopes. All topics including traditional applications on separation, sensing, drug delivery and tissue engineering and new explorations on alternative energy are welcome.

Topical 3: 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society (AES)

Shengnian Wang
Email: swang@latech.edu

Aytug Gencoglu
Email: axgbme@rit.edu

- indicates paper has an Extended Abstract file available on CD.

File available
8:30 AM
(252a) Low-Cost 3D-Printed Electrokinetic Systems
Katarina Bengtsson and Nathaniel D. Robinson

8:52 AM
(252b) Inexpensive Electrokinetic Microfluidic Systems Using Printed Circuit Board Substrates
Nathan Romero, Liam Parkes, Douglas Jackson, John Naber and Stuart J. Williams

9:14 AM
(252d) Effect of Insulating Post Shape On Particle Trapping With Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis
Aytug Gencoglu, Alexandra La Londe, Maria Romero-Creel, Karuna S. Koppula and Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas

9:36 AM
(252e) Frequency-Selective Polarization of the Electrical Double-Layer Around Nano-Colloids
Yi-Hsuan Su, Walter Varhue, Mikiyas Tsegaye, Ali Rohani and Nathan Swami

9:58 AM
(252f) Unsteady Electrohydrodynamic Drop Deformation
Javier Lanauze, Lynn M. Walker and Aditya S. Khair

10:20 AM